wei giet Hong's comment on PHARMA. All Comments

wei giet Hong
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Technical Analysis
- PHARMA shares price was very volatile and we believe that it was a miss-match between market expectation and company performance.

- On Oct 15, 2019, there is a strong reversal pattern in PHARMA shares price without any positive news. There is always got "People" who know the fact and prepare to speculate shares price to rob small investors' hard-earned money.

- Within a month, PHARMA announced that it is extending its services for the provision of medicines and medical supplies to MOH facilities and secured a five (5) year contract to continue providing logistics and distribution services for MOH.

- We should always remind ourselves and do our own homework to buy-sell any shares in the realistic market. There is no mercy and professional investor in the capital market. Only Winner and Losser!

- PHARMA shares price still continues

More: https://www.fundamental-technical-analysis.com/malaysia/author/HONG-WE...
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