Edmund M

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Joined Mar 2018


交易市盈率为 12.5,已经比 Cimb、大众银行、RHB 和丰隆银行贵。价格上涨空间有限
4 days · translate
I wish you all the best of luck, too
5 days · translate
That's amazing for a young investor. Congratulations to both of us, Hahaha
5 days · translate
@Tim did you make any capital gains? I also cash out at 9.70. Local funds supporting the index by buying Maybank but I don't think it sustainable
5 days · translate
Myeg owned all this coins alone? It just a platform to trade the coins
1 week · translate
@great loser, well, thanks for sharing the same thought
2 weeks · translate
Tim, congrats. Myeg a good investment
2 weeks · translate
Those young generations in my family are doing well without any support from oldies like us. Just like you said, we keep our investments until our last breath. In the end, it belongs to who?
2 weeks · translate
Wealth is left to younger generations. I had the same thought .
2 weeks · translate
Because of high expenses. Maybank invests a total of RM5 billions in digital banking technologies until 2025.
3 weeks · translate
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