Jia Zhe Wong

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Joined Nov 2018


+1 是咯。。。我也不明白那些丟票的人(還是他們都是投資機構,所以他們可以大量丟票)。
2 months · translate
What I meant here when will it be the date for the quarter report to be release... It is so strange that other reits have their qr to release ady... ahahaha
2 months · translate
When will the q2 result and dividend release ya...
2 months · translate
+1 對咯。。。我在好奇是誰一直在拋售這個REIT。。。
2 months · translate
When will there be the 4th dividend to be issued ya?
3 months · translate
is it the dividend with reinvestment plan meaning that it will automatically add in the number of shares I owned now yea... or is it an option where I can choose to let it be as a normal dividend payout method?
5 months · translate
when will the dividend q3 release yea
5 months · translate
When will it issue for Q2 Dividend ya...
8 months · translate
When will the next quarter div being announced?
1 year · translate
Hi... When will Mr DIY annual report for 2021 come out ya... Thx...
1 year · translate
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