dennis lee

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Joined Mar 2020


哈给哈(∩_∩) 在睡觉......
2 years · translate
非常好的讨论区,没有牵扯到针对个人性的攻击,加油 !
公说公有理,婆说婆有理,大家都有理,主要的问题是当事的公司怎样处理员工的待遇和员工对公司的付出, 一切都合理和合法的标准来商讨对策。
2 years · translate
aiya, one or two days show is expected here. nothing exciting about. I'm watching 3 months already.
2 years · translate
patient for this counter ?? patient and hold, that is a general opinion about stock trading. But can that apply on every counter ? I also follow this counter for almost the complete covid-19 periods. I knew what is going on up here.
2 years · translate
Malaysian think Arabs and Persians are honest and can be trusted based on the same beliefs. Businessman is the same all over the world - A big shark. If you're not aware you'll be eaten alive !
2 years · translate
Too many wayang in a year and company made no money. most of the guys refused to trust them.....
2 years · translate
This counter still got investors ? just look at the FR.
2 years · translate
can they just can put out an unaudited AFR ? I think these 2 companies will privatised and get themselves delisted from bursa and list in other country if they are found not guilty, as their relationship with Bursa is so horrible now.
2 years · translate
of course strong volume by adding more shares (PP @0.06) to dilute the existing share value
you think how much it worth now ? later they may consolidated the shares or split to 6.....who know.
for me, I don want to waste my time here (I bought this shares before)!
2 years · translate
I think bursa malaysia is time to reshuffle their
p/s: just my 2 cents opinion.
2 years · translate
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