Chong Jinn

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Joined Jul 2020


Even there are many cash in company la. But mostly is from PP. Dk when they want take action as what PP stated. Expansion and so on
2 years · translate
In my opinion it is bad.
1. Revenue decrease
2. Admin Fee increase to 5m
2 years · translate
A shareholder is to contribute la. Who know if u like then ur friend like and buy from lamboplace leh. then sales increase leh
2 years · translate
I no call buy or sell. Just asking if you got share then you can go like Lamboplace(0 cost) or buy something you need(win-win).
2 years · translate
Bruh. I am just promoting Lamboplace But not asking you guys buy Lambo share
2 years · translate
Are you guys saying me? The lambo agent?
2 years · translate
worry 人家是说最低啦 不确定
3 years · translate
我准备删我的Rakuten 然后多几个月到几年再回来 希望公司不会倒
3 years · translate
通常业绩前会跌 Sell on News是散户做的 庄家懂业绩差 想卖会早卖
3 years · translate
对咯 lambo也是有吃Focus WD 在0.055
3 years · translate
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