


OTHERS Ihsan Sukuk Berhad - Utilisation of Proceeds


Type Announcement
Subject OTHERS
Ihsan Sukuk Berhad - Utilisation of Proceeds

To the holders of the RM100.0 million 4.60% p.a. Sukuk Ihsan issued by Ihsan Sukuk Berhad (the ''Issuer'') pursuant to the Islamic medium term notes programme of RM1.0 billion in nominal value under the Islamic principle of Wakalah Bi Al-Istithmar and/or such other Islamic principles, with Khazanah Nasional Berhad as the obligor (''SRI Sukuk 2'').


Annual reporting on the SRI Sukuk 2:


The Issuer is pleased to report that the RM100.0 million of  SRI Sukuk 2  earmarked to fund Yayasan AMIR's Trust School Programme for 2016 (the ''Second Sukuk Ihsan Eligible SRI Project''), has been fully utilised in 2017 to fund Yayasan Amir with regard to the Second Sukuk Ihsan Eligible SRI Project.

Announcement Info

Company Name IHSAN SUKUK-ETBS 4.60%0824
Stock Name IHS046000824
Date Announced 30 Jun 2021
Category General Announcement for PLC
Reference Number GA1-30062021-00142