

Change in Boardroom


Date of change 01 Sep 2024
Age 49
Gender Male
Nationality Malaysia
Designation Executive Director
Directorate Executive
Type of change Appointment


Major/Field of Study
Additional Information
Business Administration
Universiti Malaya
Bachelor of Economics

Working experience and occupation
Teoh Cho Min joined the Company in July 2019 in the Strategy & Business, Advisory Division. He assists the Group Chief Executive Officer in strategic planning and business performance of the group to accomplish the groups overall objectives. 

He communicates, develops, executes and sustains strategic initiatives together with the Group Chief Executive Officer  and other executive-level leaders of the group. Prior to joining GDEX, he was a Senior Fund Manager at Eastspring Investments Bhd, managing RM2.0bn of insurance funds. He has been in the research analysis and fund management for 18 years with experience in the unit trust and insurance industries. He started his fund management career as a research analyst at TA Asset Management in 2001, and later moved on to become a fund manager at Alliance Investment Management and Hong Leong Assurance. 

He was promoted to the position of Chief Strategy Officer on 1 Oct 2021 and then appointed as the Chief Sustainability Officer of the Company. He is responsible to assist the Group Chief Executive Officer in setting and driving organization vision, mission and group strategies as well as developing the groups strategic plan in line with the direction set by the Group Chief Executive Officer and Board of Directors. He is also tasked to drive the Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance initiatives of the group to move the Company towards a more responsible and sustainable organization.

At present, Teoh Cho Min is responsible in all sustainability matters within the organisation which includes formulating, implementing, monitoring and communicating sustainability initiatives, policies and framework. He is also tasked to supervise Human Resources, Learning & Development, and Accreditation Department of the Company.
Directorships in public companies and listed issuers (if any)
LLG Cultural Development Centre Bhd.
Family relationship with any director and/or major shareholder of the listed issuer
Any conflict of interests that he/she has with the listed issuer
Details of any interest in the securities of the listed issuer or its subsidiaries

Announcement Info

Company Name GDEX BERHAD
Stock Name GDEX
Date Announced 29 Aug 2024
Category Change in Boardroom
Reference Number C03-26082024-00010