Jerry Zhang's comment on FOCUS-WD. All Comments

Jerry Zhang
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早上赶去进钱再加注,2.5c 不会再常常有了的
chin lua
"With over 30,000 employees, including 20,000 knowledge workers, TRX has become a bustling business hub expected to drive economic growth and innovation while creating job opportunities."
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chin lua
Being an "international financial hub" with over 30k local or foreign workers, there must be a bar street (like HK's Lan Kwai Fong) to attract foreign professionals despite TRX's ethics. Across Tun Razak, the very near TREC has over 50 brands of bars, clubs, etc. And just next to TREC, The Arch will offer more brands to complete the "bar street"! Also, HK's financial center, due to China's draconian national security laws, is no more, and some workers may be relocated to TRX!
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chin lua
Zombie Cain is so jealous because he cannot afford even a single 0.5c PA:-) In fact, did he ever suggest any counter like the blue-chip YTL Power, if not PA? After the 30-to-1 consolidation (if any), PA's 900M shares will become 30M -- another good opportunity for me (not zombie) to buy more PA, hahaha:-) My friend who will sell a valuable shop is more than capable to buy more as well, in addition to his substantial PA now! And a few of us can easily control the 30M PA units:-)
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chin lua
Despite Zombie Cain, things get "BETTER" based on the following facts:
1. The Arch is in time for TRX;
2. TRX mall is popular;
3. TRX is an international financial center;
4. TRX is promoted specially by Anwar with tax incentives and other privileges;
5. The Arch, next to TREC, will complete a bar street very near to TRX and serve many foreign, rich professionals!
So, what is wrong for a few of us with disposable income to invest in the cheapest PA and cash-rich Focus long-term?
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chin lua
Any dumbo can see Focus is running at least (since 2020) 16 consecutive quarters of >50% gross-margin percentages -- in comparison, the red-hot YTL Power is only 28.5% for just 2023 Q4, and no companies in KLSE can match that record, especially during MCOs! The tax authority allows the business expansion as a cost because it eventually will hit the no-where-to-hide profit jackpots due to enlarged and profitable revenues!
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chin lua
Zombie Cain implies that my friend, who is more bullish than me, is a big loser. So far, he does not sell a share but keeps on buying, and about 95% are 0.5¢ PA, the rest 1¢. He does not have a "realized loss" (incomprehensible words for zombies) if he can hold long-term. In fact, he sees a big "paper profit" (incomprehensible words again) when PA jump to 1¢:-)
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chin lua
My friend says there are no 0.5¢-PA selling queues, so he has to queue for 400,000 shares now. He says only a dumbo will worry about the 0.5¢ PA! He is not worry even if the world ends -- money no use then, hahaha:-) So, Zombie Cain, with "its" limited brain power, even dares to intimidate us on how to invest, hehehe:-)
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kahwei wong
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chin lua
kahwei, who are you? We are talking about our money, not yours, and The Arch and TRX are as real as the sky -- so, why such jealousy on how we spend our disposable income?
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chin lua
kahwei, of course being poor like you do not deserve to live! If you have a different view, write out your reasons in a logical or factual way, not just spewing "emotional" insults, which are easy and brainless. I had written so many negative views about Focus being controlled by the sharks in detail! No one mentioned how Focus's roughly RM40M were scammed by the LKL boss with Focus's help but me! This same boss now is the second largest shareholder of Oversea!
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cg hon
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chin lua
I had written so many scary and detailed facts about Focus's sharks, yet some readers here decided to take the risks -- do not blame your decisions or inability to hold long-term on others, especially after many spooky warnings!
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cg hon
chin,if i cant decide for myself,i think i should 死鬼左去算啦。。。。hahahaha
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chin lua
The cheapest 0.5 PA does not belong to many of you, but to my friend who has valuable properties, and is willing to wait as long as it takes!
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chin lua
My friend thinks that my comments are too kind against the zombies. He says he will buy "PA to the last drop of his blood" -- his decision, not f*#king zombies'!
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chin lua
cg hon, hakuna matata, we are aiming to get as many cheap PA as possible after the "potential" 30-to-1 consolidation, and too many believers here will spoil our plan, hahaha:-)
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kahwei wong
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chin lua
kahwei, just tell me a few "insightful" details (both positives and negatives) about Focus, do not just bullshit. It is not about money but your ignorance and laziness to analyze a counter!
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chin lua
cg hon, the 0.5¢ PA have been a "blessing" since you said you would invest long-term with "only" your "disposable income," no matter how small each time:-)
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chin lua
Hello, that is your decision, and you are not a kid! According to the linguistic relativity hypothesis, your language dictates your thoughts and reasoning. So, use the logical English to analyze Focus, not your bullshits. Your avoidance of the details means you are not familiar with Focus at all! In my research group, a project's success also depends on the honest, constructive and logical reasons for opposing the project, not just say "no, no, no, ..." like a baby!
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cg hon
@退休中,佢有唔有输好多钱,我就唔知啦,年多前,我就系睇到佢讲多多,所以决定买入。到目前为止,我虽然冇赢到钱,不过还好,我都冇输钱。我泥啲穷等人家,只可以靠用小小钱去搏一搏,可能出现一个春天。唱衰一个人,系可以嘅,不过我最dulan系连我都卑佢地唱衰埋。 街外钱,迷一齐赚咯。。点解要唱到甘毒辣呢??
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chin lua
E.g. I gave objective facts about the gross-profit percentages for at least 16 conservative periods -- what is so bad about that fact? You do not have to believe, just check the reports -- and even after that, it is your decision, not anyone else! I reported TRX facts and their effects on The Arch's prospect -- which part is not true? The words "old 'goreng' hand" mean you had lost a shirt, according to Warrent Buffett and centuries of academic studies!
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cg hon
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chin lua
old hand, in your next argument, please include some credible citations and facts, ok?
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cg hon
@chin, hahaahaha
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chin lua
Here is another "hateful" accounting fact for zombies. I checked 2019, the gross-profit percentages are all over 50%. So, now at least 20 "consecutive" of about 50% "operating earnings" (preferred by Warrent Buffett), which is a clear trend of a successful business model. A hint -- including more "big words" and due diligence in facts finding will make your reasoning more credible -- i.e. I had to open up 20 quarter reports, unlike zombies with cheap words:-)
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chin lua
Old hand is obviously new here. Old readers knew that I was educated in the west, and I do not give a damn about your Chinese ethics -- if you insult me, I will insult you back -- as simple as that! Your obvious and hostile first statements insulted me for no reason despite your more-polite excuses now! If you said "I politely disagree with you," then I would "politely say you are entitled to your opinion." I do not treat a cyber bully with respect, and it is not about money or even PA!
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chin lua
Besides, you are bullshitting again to cover the very fact that you are absolutely ignorant about Focus -- the main and only topic here! Starting from my recent comments about the consecutive gross profits, TRX and The Arch -- which part is incorrect or misleading? You attacked an issue you had no knowledge at all! Do you even know what "The Arch" is?
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chin lua
If you are not interested in PA, why are you here? If you wanted to warn the readers about Focus's sharks and manipulations, I had already given them aplenty in detail based on facts and logical analyses! Yet, some of them chose PA -- what can you do?
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chin lua
For an "old hand," you behave like a novice, hahaha:-)
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chin lua
I am practicing "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth"! Before you give your precious opinions and recommendations, can you tell me the earliest source of the practice? A hint -- you need to brush up your Google-Search skills and ascertain which material is more reliable!
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chin lua
You see, Zombie Cain is so jealous about my money again, hahaha:-) Same thing: do you know what biblical Cain is all about? I bullshit when bullshit Cain appears:-) But, what else can you discuss when two zombies do not know how to use the Internet intelligently in finding out facts, especially about Focus!
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chin lua
From the Chinese sentences, old hand is definitely better than Zombie Cain, but both cyber bullies are not here to provide any useful analysis or fact about Focus -- why? Because they simply cannot, hahaha:-) They do not even bother to open up a quarter report to rebuke my accounting analyses!
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chin lua
"Knowledge of accounting helps investors determine an assets' value, understand a company's financing sources, calculate profitability, and estimate risks embedded in a company's balance sheet."
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chin lua
How to recommend a stock if zombies do not know a thing about accounting!
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chin lua
Sorry to pressure these two zombies -- Chinese is not the original or logical language of maths (including accounting) and sciences, which was why Dr. M proposed English as the teaching medium. And the Chinese Internet is not the reliable source of true knowledge and facts! The readers here can learn a thing or two from my "insults," hehe:-)
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chin lua
The readers here who are parents can take my "insults" to the bank -- never send your kids to China!
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chin lua
Although I am a master of classical Chinese, there is no useful knowledge written in that old language!
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chin lua
See, old hand is bullshitting again, hahaha! He said my accounting analyses are "bullshits" without giving any evidence or analytical rebuttal -- why? Because he simply knows no accounting! Sorry old hand, but you have "no hand" to recommend a stock or go against Focus if you know no English! The readers here can study his rebuttals in detail -- do you want your kids to debate with others professionally just like him?
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chin lua
E.g. there is a net loss of RM12.86M for 2023 Q3. So, why is old hand not using the big loss to shame me? Because he knows no accounting or does not bother to read or study, hahaha:-)
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chin lua
"Learning English for Finance and Accounting can help learners gain a better understanding of financial concepts and terminology. Many financial terms and expressions are specific to English, and mastering these can help learners understand financial news and reports from English-speaking countries."
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chin lua
"The internet is a vast resource for financial information, and much of it is in English. Having good English skills can give learners access to a wealth of financial information and resources, including books, articles, and videos, that are not available in their native language."
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chin lua
The readers here can learn a thing or two from my "insults," but pure hatred from old hand:-) Stay tuned for more zero-IQ or zero-knowledge hateful remarks from him, hehe:-)
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chin lua
Isn't that fun when some zombies visit us? :-)
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chin lua
I gave old hand an opportunity to shame me by challenging him to search the pharse "An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth," but he let go of it -- why? Because he does not even know how to use Google Search to obtain any credible information from a trustworthy source!
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chin lua
The phrase originated from the Code of Hammurabi (Babylonian laws). Britannica is a well-known and credible source.
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chin lua
"Talion, principle developed in early Babylonian law and present in both biblical and early Roman law that criminals should receive as punishment precisely those injuries and damages they had inflicted upon their victims. Many early societies applied this 'eye-for-an-eye' principle literally."
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chin lua
A similar concept appeared in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) -- Leviticus 24:19-21. But, it was most likely derived from the earlier Babylonian law.

See, the readers can learn a thing or two from my "insults" against old hand:-)
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kahwei wong
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chin lua
This kahwei is as dumb as old hand -- again, just Googling "anything" with a credible source, and why! If you do not know how to search a fact for a counter, then your words or opinions are like an empty can -- got sounds but no content, hahaha:-)
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chin lua
All these zombies (Zombie Cain, kahwei, old hand & others) have some things in common: broken written Chinese, low-IQ content, senseless insults, go banana against PA buyers, etc. It makes me wonder if they are of the same group working for the same Focus's Taiko as loan sharks, hahaha:) Well, to save you zombies the trouble, a few of us (readers here not our concerns) are going to buy PA all the way -- even after 30-to-1, and these loan sharks have no way to stop us, hehe:)
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chin lua
Hello, all zombies or loan sharks, is this your work, too? Do not be shy as I would not report your names (Zombie Cain, kahwei, old hand & others) to the cops, hahaha:)
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chin lua
"(吉隆坡7日讯) 针对子公司 Artronic iTech 私人有限公司遭有心人士冒充在社交平台散播涉嫌欺诈的活动发布会视频, Artroniq (ARTRONIQ, 0038, 创业板工业) 已向警方报案, 以维护公司利益和声誉."
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哈哈你不懂这些常常说中文不好然后喜欢讲英文的人 他们的英文都很烂的吗?以为会一点点英文就很厉害其实他们的英文grammar vocab一大堆错误
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chin lua
Oh, here is another loan shark called Cc -- check his broken written Chinese and brainless content -- coming from the same gangster group, hahaha:)
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chin lua
Another pattern from this gangster group is that it is not about stocks but cyberbullying!
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chin lua
Zombie Cain is showing off his broken written Chinese, again, hahaha:) But, his level, and so far all the gang members, is below year 5 (or Grade 5) Chinese!
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chin lua
"敢"就是做事要果断, 可以为你开启世界的另一扇窗. 好比"敏而好学, 不耻下问", 勇敢发问, 心中的疑惑顿时解惑, 茅塞顿开; 勇敢表达想法, 表达心声, 克服内心的恐惧后, 内敛的心可以豁然开朗; 勇敢说出真相, 举报坏人的行径, 因为正义永远与你同在.
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chin lua
The sample above is written by a year-5 student:)
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chin lua
Focus's Taiko must hire better loan sharks; otherwise, they could end up in violence due to miscommunication, hehe:)
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sorry chin Lua at least I don't criticize Chinese and speak broken English like you do. anyway your English is so awful that ppl could barely understand. I think you should spend your time to improve your English instead of using Google translate
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chin lua
You are not new, and should know (mentioned in my old posts) I had academic papers published on the professional journals about AI (yes, many years ago) driving a swarm of autonomous vehicles (popular now). Also, my BBA, MS & PhD (GPA 4.0/4.0) were all from the US universities. These zombies made false claims about reading my old comments, but clearly it is not about any stock but cyberbullying! Google Translate or not, your exposed written Chinese is clearly below a fifth grader, hahaha:)
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chin lua
Google Translate is like a new world for the brainless zombies, but our research group had already studied the AI behind Google Translate, and deemed it not suitable for our autonomous vehicles!
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chin lua
Your comments of course are shit, but some of mine have predictive power. For example, I mentioned the first non-deadly Omicron (in this thread, many months ago) is like a cold because most virus particles stay in the throat, and the recent statistics prove that!
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chin lua
The board of OpenAI (maker of ChatGPT) fired its CEO because Q-Star (a secret project) is dangerous as it thinks like humans. However, in my published papers or research group, I argued that AI cannot think like a human brain -- why? As such, I was against using Google's self-driving AI for my autonomous vehicles. I was right as Google has abandoned its self-driving car project!
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chin lua
Roger Penrose, a Nobel laureate for his quantum theoretical contribution, had argued that a Turing machine (aka computer), based on formal logic, is not comparable to the human mind that can process "Godel sentences" -- hence, Q-Star has no human intelligence!
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chin lua
For Godel sentences and his proof (way back in 1931) against an AI behaving like a human read this website below.
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chin lua
I also argued against using the AI behind the ChatGPT-like algorithm (yes, not new, being around for many years) for my autonomous vehicles!
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chin lua
From the vast experience in my AI research, I can say that these zombies have little intelligence, hahaha:)
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chin lua
ChatGPT, based on neural network architecture (again, not new), amazes many people who are not familiar with any AI research. The faster chips made by TSMC coupled with its 2.5D CoWos packaging have made the neural network deeper with more precise network weights from much faster self-learning or self-trading algorithms. But, the self-learning material must come from the top-quality or professional batch; otherwise, the translation will look like the sample provided by Cc, hahaha!
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chin lua
Again, the low-intelligent old hand just does not want to give up his futile cyberbullying, hahaha:)
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chin lua
Just compare his written Chinese with the fifth grader -- do you feel any smarter by reading his comment?:)
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chin lua
Who do you prefer? The one who studied Godel's proof or old hand, hahaha:)
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chin lua
Q-Star, based on formal logic, is "smarter" than the copy-and-paste ChatGPT. However, Q-Star's mathematical symbols are still not human intelligence. Hence, the OpenAI board was ignorant when firing the CEO. One can compare Q-Star to Prolog -- a logic-based programming language.
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chin lua
My friend said I wrote too deeply about the unrelated issues. But, look at old hand's one, more of the same boring cyberbullying, hahaha:) At least he definitely cannot write about professional AI issues, hehe:) Ask him to explain human consciousness in terms of quantum mechanics!
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chin lua
There are many Malays who graduated with a degree that cannot be proven academically. How do you do the hiring without the worthless degree? You can ask all applicants to write about 100 words of any bullshit issue, and you hire the ones who can explain the issue "deeply" with proper citations. Surely, old hand's writing is not qualified for any professional job, hahaha:)
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chin lua
Wow, old face's skin is much thicker than his old hand, hahaha:) A word of advice for those not interested in PA. Malaysia accounting belongs to the English professional world. Every single listed KLSE company publishes its quarterly or annually financial results in English, and are certified by the public auditors who passed the UK's ACCA examinations. For picking other stocks, you certainly want to listen to your auditor friends than old hand:)
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chin lua
And certainly not Zombie Cain whose written Chinese is horribly below the fifth grader, hahaha:)
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chin lua
We are still waiting for the zombies to explain our very "soul" thing -- the relationship between our consciousness and quantum mechanics. We should give the zombies a chance to prove themselves that they have some degree of intellectual abilities:)
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Min Fan Alex Wong
hahaha, until today still blow for nothing, respect focus SH
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chin lua
Instead of zombies' bullshit, I might as well introduce some interesting and knowledgeable "bullshit":)
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chin lua
"The previously unreported letter and AI algorithm were key developments before the board's ouster of Altman, the poster child of generative AI, the two sources said. Prior to his triumphant return late Tuesday, more than 700 employees had threatened to quit and join backer Microsoft (MSFT.O), opens new tab in solidarity with their fired leader."
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chin lua
The staff had watched too many Terminator movies, and were not capable of examining Godel's (a titan in his field) proof that AI (limited by formal logic) is no human! The theoretical big issues and limits (except one, not AI) had been solved before a single computer was invented! Altman plus three of his loyalists have returned to the board.
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chin lua
"The key property these numbers possess is that any natural number can be obtained by starting with the number 0 and adding 1 a finite number of times."
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chin lua
All chips are simply an adder (1+1=2, proven) -- a multiplier is a short-cut of an adder. As such, they all fall under Godel's proof. At the heart of a computer, it is preordain not to excel in human intelligence!
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chin lua
"The main reason that it takes so long to get to 1+1=2 is that Principia Mathematica starts from almost nothing, and works its way up in very tiny, incremental steps. The work of G. Peano shows that it's not hard to produce a useful set of axioms that can prove 1+1=2 much more easily than Whitehead and Russell do."
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chin lua
Wikipedia articles cannot be cited in an academic paper, but it is a good source to introduce a general summary of a topic.
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chin lua
The updated essential "facts" (gross profit/margin, The Arch & TRX) were given. The rest are bullshit:)
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chin lua
After your auditor friend (an investor or not) provided the facts about a stock, do you blame your friend for your decisions?
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chin lua
Why the scholarly AI "bullshit" were written here? Because Cc claimed that I know no English and certainly could not be the author of the mentioned papers, hahaha:) You need no English as your translations will reveal the extent of my AI knowledge. Perhaps none of your Chinese-speaking friends can comprehend the content as we were at the frontier of AI research! Perhaps next time I could tell what happened to my swarms of autonomous vehicles. Do Ukraine's unmanned surface drones have my AI?
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