Hadi N Hadi's comment on SOLUTN. All Comments

Hadi N Hadi
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beware of 3 things. 1. Gov. announcement to buy 3rd party vaccine procurement. 2. NPRA green light on that Vaccine. 3. small amount of doses represent low of stock to supply
Ermm beware of what exactly? Agreed on (2) but (1) and (3)? That was the announcement before, to supply to 10% of population and Solution is Cansino's local partner. Difference is the former is now sealed.
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Hadi N Hadi
Gov. procurement not yet above 80% to allow 3rd party as last Gov standing on vaccines.

KJ told will direct not. by 3rd party in order for procurement.

KJ also told still shortage on vaccine in market behind main reason Gov control procurement.

bold point if KKM purchased vaccine outside from originally plan it's must first announcement officially by minister itself.
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Steve Foo
do you know what are you talking about?
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Hadi N Hadi
fact about vaccines roll out in gov hand
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Steve Foo
you mean gov won't get cansino from solution?
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@Steve he means the risk is Gov has the power to reject or not to approve the vaccine or Solution facilities

anyway we all know about these...
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Hadi N Hadi
what so special solunt to gov must getting from them for CanSino compare others vaccine direct without 3rd party?

did KJ told he is already broken all gov procurement way?

big things is gov proposed in bulk to bottle by local Pharmaceutical.
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the whole world still short of vaccines it doesnt make sense government will reject any vaccines la
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Hadi N Hadi
gov don't say they gonna rejected any vaccine fact is they kick out 3rd party vaccines provided
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@daw yes... that's why I believe the green lane for Solution is clear..

btw @hadi Solution hold the exclusive distributor agreement of Cansino, any ASEAN countries wanna buy Cansino vaccine must go through Solution.. legally speaking..
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Steve Foo
Hadi talking nonsense
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