Simpson Henry's comment on HARTA. All Comments

Simpson Henry
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Daniel C
My personal view is that this Andy Hall should have first shared his findings with the concerned companies for better understanding and potential resolutions. Escalation to CBP or whoever to be done only if there is no improvement (if improvement is truly needed).
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ricky chin
现在美国单单充公tg的手套不够用,现在开始要对sm harta入手,哈哈... 够狗啊
2 Like · 2 years · translate
This so called ngo but reaping profit from others by using the words humanitarian... haha kiss my their evidence are all merely talk and talk only.. better go talk to the US how they handle the black racist issues which till now also still not settled. They are just a bunch of racism blood suc.kers which reaps profit from others success..
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AGW 7754
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