Ng Wai Chong's comment on PENTA. All Comments

Ng Wai Chong
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Penta earning result really incredible one....steadily bom bi bi... Step by step
Mohd Alif Jahidi
as long as PBT below 100million is okay...if above that got tax Cukai Makmur 33%
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Ng Wai Chong
Penta 两个主要业务,自动化测试设备(ATE)和工厂自动化方案(FAS),医疗器械(MDS) 业务于2020年第三季度刚成立。。
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Lim Chun Eik
恭喜penta 没赚超过1亿
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Ng Wai Chong
税务是2021 ,还是2022?
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Lim Chun Eik
每年都没超过 哈哈。。。。。
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Serge Low
cukai makmur is tax on revenue, not profit, profit is the final value already
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Lim Chun Eik
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Keith Liu
Lol, tax on revenue, loss also need to pay tax is it?
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Serge Low
go and take a look at aax, genm, genetec, do they get tax benefit by making losses?
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Ng Wai Chong
Tax normally will incur based on its operating profit.
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Keith Liu
Tax on revenue maybank need to pay 16B for cukai makmur, share price can easily limit down for 1 week
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Serge Low
tax is based on profit but cukai makmur calculates based on revenue
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Serge Low
please read properly guys
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Kint Tong
If based on revenue company like XOX included? High revenue with negative earning...
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eric leow
Taxable income
rm1-rm100mil(normal 24%)
>rm100mil(cukai makmur 33%)
pls correct me if I m wrong
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Serge Low
taxable income, where the income is the revenue, not profit
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Kint Tong
speak of a company's income, they're actually referring to net income or the profit for the company not revenue.
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Keith Liu
Revenue is the total amount of income generated by the sale of goods or services related to the company's primary operations. Income or net income is a company's total earnings or profit. Both revenue and net income are useful in determining the financial strength of a company, but they are not interchangeable.
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