Khaw Yean Thye's comment on OCK. All Comments

Khaw Yean Thye
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Hmm a moderating tp by owner make sense to join him by selling albeit slightly lower. now I still call a buy and reload if 53-55 seen.
Why director keep selling?
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Khaw Yean Thye
I am not trying to mislead market but here in this case from observation and maybe to answer your curiosity after selling the director still owns 31.5 pct of company so it’s just probably a normal adjustment of position and liquidity. I would be wary if say a director owns 13 pct of company shares and decides to sell 6 pct away, that may be construe as a non confidence action. However Here the disposal is at a position of strength and fr a buyer to buy that substantial surely he or she is not naive to buy at a medium price if he or she doesn’t believe in the future growth of this company. That’s why my confidence of calling it a buy but as to what level it’s up to each individual to assess
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cesc loh
@khaw Same view with you , just curious who is the substantial buyer get the shares disposed by director and company on 9 May thorough direct business transaction.
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Jayden Wong
Ready dump ………..
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Lee Chee Heng
Formed the shape of M already, will it continue to drop or bounce back....
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