Eric Fong's comment on GTRONIC. All Comments

Eric Fong
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Other receivable amount is deposit for purchase of machine but not yet paid?
Same like property, cost of development is calculated as asset.
Any wrong is rectify me.
Thank you.
other receivable is not for purchase of machines. Indeed the line item of other receivables, deposits and prepayment raises eyebrows.
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Eric Fong
Then can I know what the money is for? I think everyone query about this.
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You can send your query to investor relations. Probably wont get an answer for that.
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Eric Fong
Yes asking them and wait for their reply too.
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it appeared under current assets and you can be sure of that its definitely not for equipment as the line item also appeared under cash flow from operating activities instead of cash flow from investing activities. The amount should be recovered or worst case, written off eventually.
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Possibly alr wash out the money?
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Eric Fong
Cash asset convert become non cash asset. What the thing is that.
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Mark Siow
根据文章内容,Globetronics Technology Berhad 正增加资本开支,以提升其技术能力,为潜在的台湾和美国客户服务。这可能与“其他应收款、押金及预付款”数额的增加有关,因为这些支出可能包括为新客户项目或技术提升所需的预付款或押金。然而,文章也提到这些投资的成效仍存在不确定性,因此无法明确保证其未来效果。
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Mark Siow
Globetronics Technology Berhad
的“其他应收款、押金及预付款”数额的增加,可能与其升级生产能力的投资有关。根据文章,GTB 正在通过改进生产设施以吸引新客户,并提升其技术竞争力。这种资本开支可能包括预付款项或押金,以支持技术提升和设备采购,进而反映在财务报表中。因此,财报中的这些项目增长可能与公司为未来增长所做的战略性投资有关。
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Mark Siow
之前老的领导层基本上就是打算退休的,现在的领导层打算有所为,那么打算扩张生意,那么也算合理,至于为什么epf和lembaga haji为什么要丢票,这个只有它们自己知道,我们外围人就只能自己乱猜咯。。。。
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There is another item that you all might want to consider.
Let say, the COMPANY secured a contract to supply and provide manpower, material, equipment and services for Non-Destructive Testing for a new 2 x 1500MW Combined Cycle Gas Turbine power plant Project in Prai, Penang to their client. This contract takes 4 years to complete. In the contract, the COMPANY needs to provide a bank guarantee worth MYR3 million as prerequisite to enter this contract to ensure the COMPANY will ensure they provide their supply and services until to the completion of the project. If the COMPANY decided to stop work halfway during the project, their CLIENT will forfeit their bank guarantee.
If there are many contracts, then they need many banks to issue bank guarantees. Banks don't issue bank guarantees if you don't give them cash. Banks will look after their guarantees and act as the custodian of the MYR3 mil guarantee. If the CLIENT shows evidence to the bank that the COMPANY fail to deliver their end, the BANK will give the MYR 3mil to their CLIENT.
This happens to all big contracts especially the COMPANY is required to supply finished parts or semi-finished parts or assembly parts or standard parts to their client for a long period of time.
If you want to steal money from the company, they will make it look legal and legit in the books. They can do this by issuing new orders to new suppliers or new trading companies or agents in local or overseas. Such activities very often go to intermediaries and stops before it ends to their CLIENT premises.
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I like to make another point where GTRONIC has NO debts. This can also means they settled all their debts before they are all due. They pay less but their books already register a number. While waiting for their debtors to issue a letter that they have settled their debts, the saving that COMPANY made goes to the mentioned account.
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Peng Zhong Wong
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Mark Siow
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Cooler heads prevail. For now, the line item is indeed mind blogging upon change of ownership. Retail investors can only keep an eye on related and non related party transactions since this is under other receivables. Typically amount owed by someone/company or even loans issued to employee/companies.
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There was a transaction early of this year between Gtronic's subsidiary (ISO Tech) with a new company incorporated last year in India, Kaynes Semicon. I am not sure partial of the amount captured under other receivables is coming from this transaction.
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ISO Tech shall provide services which include (1) package development in Malaysia facility (2) training in areas of engineering, equipment and quality (3) provision of target customer segments to Kaynes Semicon for a total consideration of
USD7.590 million (equivalent to RM35.901 million)
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Pmp Nails
Actually also hard la see the stock idss vol so big . Want support also hard . But later will prevail
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Receivables can be written off unfortunately. The reality is - the other receivables amount has been accounted for and cash balance has gone down. The good news is there are 140M cash still and it's a question of are we going to see more party transactions or acquisitions?
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2 Like · 3 weeks · translate
IDSS. Intraday short selling makes a stock more interesting. It provide liquidity. Make share price interesting. But its effect is limited to only one day. And they have to buyback.

RSS is another thing. BUT I doubt our local traders here practice what they practice in the US. They will hire professionals and go through a company financial statements, do forensics accounting and find flaws. These forensic accountants will submit their recommendations and findings to their EMPLOYER (RSS). And RSS will place their shorts. They will do this when a stock price is HIGH or OVERPRICED. As at at the end of 2023, there were 3.9mil shares Net Short when GTRONIC share price was 1.83.

Receivables. When CLIENT owes the COMPANY money, they have to pay back. Debt has age. Debt age with time. COMPANY will only classify a debt as BAD DEBT when their DEBT age more than 180 days. That's 6 months. They wont write off this debt by then. They will continue chasing client even entering into the next financial year. Before the COMPANY write off their debts, there are other processes they will have to do. Credit control, assigning debt collector, legal action through arbitration courts and finally send some one (thugs and etc) to BREAK their LEGS.. or wrap them in a mattress, burn them and dump them in a monsoon drain..
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Ashley Ma
你们以为KPMG 傻的。爽爽就不干像20后的小孩。
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Ashley Ma
公司要做假账, 连专业的投资大户都被骗。更何况你我这种小不点。别浪费时间在这说三道四。无聊。
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Mark Siow
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Pmp Nails
The bear bear win liao
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Aaron Yong
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Tia Wei Ann
It’s financial year end is 31 Dec, but now only Sept, unlikely resigned due to audit issue.
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Eric Fong
Believe then buy when low, not believe then sell n go. Why keep guessing and nobody gets the real answer. Only time will tell.
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