Tan Jack's comment on HOMERIZ. All Comments

Tan Jack
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second higher low formed, wave 2 upward next week
mini rounding bottom :) hopefully a bigger bowl is in the making which will bring it closer to its valuations imo.
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Tan Jack
Hi Cheng, realised we always talked on the same stock haha. What do you think about homeriz and its fair price?
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Tan Jack
low pe, growing revenue and profit, directors collecting, healthy dividend :)
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hi Jack, imo - by dividend play, the intrinsic value is $0.67 cents which means whenever it's below it's intrinsic value, it's a good buy for dividend. this is based on $0.025 cents div per share. anything beyond that will be a bonus. as for it's fair value from a long term view, imo - it is worth $0.83 cents based on $20M fcf, 3% perpetuity growth rate and 12% discount rates. right now, the fcf is trending healthily at $15M. last year was $14M and $22M the year before.
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that's just my opinion and could be wrong. current volatility on the share price is mainly driven by trading on wb. hence, it's safer to look at long term view instead of near term. adjusting the average cost to $0.58 cents and below will be safe as it offers a 30% margin of safety.
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