Alex Teoh's comment on UWC. All Comments

Alex Teoh
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Buy some to test the water, if able to reach 0.90 . hahaha I was bought in around 1.28 and throw at 1.47 :)

making good money while everyone are calling BUY.

I though the price will shoot over 1.50...but luckily my decision is so right , it went down and down everyday after it.

I told my follower and friend to sell their ticket at 1.44, some of them follow and secure the profit.. some are regret not follow my advice.

I hope they are OK :)
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Alex Teoh
All these counter you mention have few consecutive quarter declined... yet nothing backup their value in such High PE. I don't think this is a good choice.

maybe AirAsia, Padini , CIMB is the counter you can try on.

UWC, can buy in a little bit , if you are risk taker... but this just a IPO... better don't touch of you don't understand their company .
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Milo Phing
How bout greatech and istone
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Danny Lim
target price only 1.13…………
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Danny Lim
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Alex Teoh
let see, If you look closely to Their earning margin...

Penta around 16.5%
Revenue around 16.4%
Vitrox around 26.6% (Good one)

but come to IPO, first IPO result is about

Greactec 24%
Istone 20.3%

I don't think this statistic be last or exactly true figure.... my advice is don't take IPO as your long-term investing stock.

Rather go for some bluechips selling at their lower price... like I make profit from Gamuda, Genm, Tenaga and etc... you will see my comment over there as well.
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1 Like · 4 years · translate
Alex Teoh
是的 IPO 很多时间我都是 蜻蜓点水, 随便带过炒一回就跑人。 通常不会hold 超过一个星期,有时候几小时就跑了。
不要和金钱过不去,他们需要时间证明,多数都是亏损的啦。 所以越长期的话,反而越危险,不要越陷越深就好。
真的亏了,5%-8%左右停损吧。 IPO 你别想着 Average down, 蓝筹就还OK。
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Nick Chung
1.10 come to me
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