
+0.000 (+0.0%)

Orientaldaily05 Mar, 2024 18:32pm - 1 month

(吉隆坡5日讯)永大集团(Yong Tai Bhd)宣布,通过独资子公司PTS Impression私人有限公司(PTSI),与新加坡Ebenex集团旗下828 ASIA私人有限公司合作,以永大的又见马六甲剧院(Encore Melaka Theatre)为核心开展合作,提振马六甲旅游业。
TheEdge05 Mar, 2024 15:52pm - 1 month

Tourism-related property developer Yong Tai Bhd, through its wholly owned subsidiary PTS Impression Sdn Bhd (PTSI), has entered into a strategic collaboration agreement with 828 Asia Pte Ltd, a subsidiary of Singapore-based event organiser Ebenex Group on Feb 28, 2024, to promote Yong Tai’s Encore Melaka Theatre, according to a statement on March 5.
TheEdge05 Mar, 2024 15:07pm - 1 month

Here is a brief recap of some corporate announcements that made the news on Wednesday:
TheEdge01 Feb, 2024 01:22am - 2 months

Melaka-based tourism-themed developer Yong Tai Bhd has reinstated Datuk Wira Boo Kuang Loon as its chief executive officer (CEO), nearly nine months after his initial resignation on May 10, 2023.
TheEdge01 Feb, 2024 00:08am - 2 months

Nanyang20 Nov, 2023 10:18am - 5 months

(吉隆坡11日讯)永大(YONGTAI,7066,主要板房产)执行董事拿督威拉巫光伦斥资150万新元(约698万7700令吉),收购新加坡电器贸易分销商旭飞(Sunrise Shares Holdings)33%股权,成为该公司最大股东。他根据规定发起有条件全面收购,每股献购价为新元2.18分(约7...
Chinapress11 Jul, 2023 16:22pm - 9 months

马股的电信、种植与银行股为整体市场的交投情绪护航,马股于闭市时持续处于1410点水平线下报收。富时隆综指于5月29日闭市时1404.93点报收, 按日起1.95或0.14%。它的整日交投波幅介于4.60(1401.93-1406.53)点间。富时隆综指30只成分股,于5月29日展现一段技术返弹走势,...
Nanyang30 May, 2023 00:10am - 10 months

(吉隆坡12日讯)永大(YONGTAI,7066,主要板房产)宣布,拿督梁诗丽晋升成为单一主要股东,同时担任该公司新任董事经理兼总执行长,已从本周三(10日)起生效。永大向马证交所报备,梁诗丽是于周三(10日)通过Domain Capital私人有限公司,买进永大的23.8%股权或9000万股。梁诗...
Chinapress12 May, 2023 20:33pm - 11 months

Orientaldaily11 May, 2023 17:55pm - 11 months

Sinchew10 May, 2023 20:26pm - 11 months

(吉隆坡10日讯)永大(YONGTAI,7066,主板产业股)公布,盛泰国际(Sheng Tai Internation...
Orientaldaily10 May, 2023 19:41pm - 11 months

Sinchew19 Apr, 2023 20:50pm - 1 year

以下是本周小股东权益监管机构(MSWG)股东大会/特大的观察名单,这里只简要的概括小股东权益监管机构所关注的重点。读者可以查询MSWG的网站,www.mswg.org.my,以得到对公司所提呈的问题详情。 思泰科技(SMTRACK)股东特大简报:特大寻求股东批准以1800万令吉收购 V Ultima...
Nanyang21 Nov, 2022 00:13am - 1 year

KUALA LUMPUR: Minat belian pada saat akhir dalam saham wajaran tinggi terpilih yang diterajui utiliti serta saham produk dan perkhidmatan pengguna membantu mendorong FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (FBM KLCI) ditutup dengan prestasi positif hari ini, kata peniaga. Bagaimanapun, di pasaran ...
BeritaHarian12 Jul, 2022 18:49pm - 1 year

(吉隆坡12日讯)交易商表示,投资者临尾扯购重量级股,由公用事业股及消费产品与服务股领涨,刺激富时隆综指收高。 然而,马股以下跌股居多,达569只,上升股仅292只,另有357只无起落,1022只无交易及8只暂停交易。 截至下午5时,富时隆综指小涨0.29点,挂1426.08点,上周五收报1425....
TheEdge12 Jul, 2022 17:46pm - 1 year

KUALA LUMPUR (July 12): Last-minute buying interest in selected heavyweights led by utilities as well as consumer products and services stocks helped to lift the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (FBM KLCI) to end Tuesday's (July 12) session on a positive note, a ...
TheEdge12 Jul, 2022 17:36pm - 1 year

(吉隆坡12日讯)交易商表示,区域股市表现欠稳,拖累富时隆综指下跌0.39%。 截至中午12时30分,富时隆综指降5.51点,至1420.28点,上周五收报1425.79点。 富时隆综指今早高开0.4点,报1426.19点,盘中游走于1419.25点至1426.19点之间。 下跌股达526只,上升股...
TheEdge12 Jul, 2022 13:02pm - 1 year

KUALA LUMPUR: The FBM KLCI extended its decline over morning trade as investors turned to the sidelines ahead of US inflation data, which would inform the Federal Reserve's rate of interest rate hikes.
TheStar12 Jul, 2022 12:56pm - 1 year

KUALA LUMPUR (July 12): Bursa Malaysia ended the morning trading session lower, with the benchmark index declining by 0.39% amid volatility in the regional market performance, a dealer said. At 12.30pm, the FTSE Bursa Malaysia KLCI (FBM KLCI) dropped 5.51 points to 1,420.28 from ...
TheEdge12 Jul, 2022 12:50pm - 1 year