Sapura launches communication solution for Malaysia, global markets

NST Mon, Jun 05, 2023 08:11pm - 1 year View Original

KUALA LUMPUR: Sapura Group's unit, Sapura Secured Technologies Sdn Bhd (SST), recently launched its mission-critical broadband solution for various industries.

Sapura president and group chief executive officer Tan Sri Shahril Shamsuddin said SST's mission critical broadband is already available for the use of public safety, emergency and enforcement agencies, using 4G LTE networks, and is ready to be integrated with 5G networks.

"This launch signals the evolution of Malaysia's capabilities in developing cutting-edge telecommunications technologies that can effectively cater to the needs of the domestic and global markets," he said during the launch at the recently-held Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (LIMA) 2023 exhibition.

SST's mission-critical broadband is the first of its kind to be developed locally by home-grown talents, specifically tailored to meet the needs of public safety, emergency and enforcement agencies. 

The technology provides capabilities and features, allowing communications with existing networks.

Shahril said the creation of this technology reduces Malaysia's reliance on foreign systems, making Malaysia more technologically sovereign to better protect key national digital infrastructures. 

"In addition to the public safety, emergency and enforcement agencies, we are also keen to address industries such as oil and gas as well as transportation, both locally and internationally," said.

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