

OTHERS SMPC CORPORATION BHD. (“SMPC” OR “COMPANY”) Adjustment to the number of the outstanding warrants 2012/2022 of SMPC Corporation Bhd (“SMPC”) in accordance with the provisions of the deed poll dated 28 March 2012 (“Deed Poll”) consequent to the renounceable two-call rights issue of up to 300,410,014 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in SMPC (“SMPC Share(s)”) (“Rights Shares”) together with up to 150,205,007 free new detachable warrants (“Warrants C”) at an issue price of RM1.00 per Rights Share on the basis of two (2) Rights Shares together with one (1) Warrant C for every two (2) existing SMPC Shares held at 5.00 p.m. on 27 October 2014 (“Entitlement Date”), of which the first call of RM0.90 will be payable in cash on application and the second call of RM0.10 is to be capitalised from the Company’s reserves, based on a minimum subscription level of 20,000,000 Rights Shares together with 10,000,000 Warrants C (“Rights Issue with Warrants”)("Adjustment")



Adjustment to the number of the outstanding warrants 2012/2022 of SMPC Corporation Bhd (“SMPC”) in accordance with the provisions of the deed poll dated 28 March 2012 (“Deed Poll”) consequent to the renounceable two-call rights issue of up to 300,410,014 new ordinary shares of RM1.00 each in SMPC (“SMPC Share(s)”) (“Rights Shares”) together with up to 150,205,007 free new detachable warrants (“Warrants C”) at an issue price of RM1.00 per Rights Share on the basis of two (2) Rights Shares together with one (1) Warrant C for every two (2) existing SMPC Shares held at 5.00 p.m. on 27 October 2014 (“Entitlement Date”), of which the first call of RM0.90 will be payable in cash on application and the second call of RM0.10 is to be capitalised from the Company’s reserves, based on a minimum subscription level of 20,000,000 Rights Shares together with 10,000,000 Warrants C (“Rights Issue with Warrants”)("Adjustment")

Announcement Info

Stock Name SMPC-WB    
Date Announced24 Oct 2014  
CategoryGeneral Announcement
Reference NoMM-141024-E1CA4