

De-listing of Stone Master Corporation Berhad


Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (Bursa Securities) had dismissed Stone Master Corporation Berhad's appeal for an extension of time to submit the regularisation plan to the relevant authorities for approval and decided to de-list the Company pursuant to paragraph 8.04 of the Bursa Securities Main Market Listing Requirements.


In the circumstances, the securities of the company shall be removed from the Official List of Bursa Securities on Thursday, 23 May 2019.


Effect of De-listing from the Official List of Bursa Securities

With respect to the securities of the company which are currently deposited with Bursa Malaysia Depository Sdn Bhd (Bursa Depository), the securities may remain deposited with Bursa Depository notwithstanding the de-listing of the securities from the Official List of Bursa Securities. It is not mandatory for the securities of a company which has been de-listed to be withdrawn from Bursa Depository.


Alternatively, shareholders of the company who intend to hold their securities in the form of physical certificates can withdraw these securities from their Central Depository System (CDS) accounts maintained with Bursa Depository at anytime after the securities of the company have been de-listed from the Official List of Bursa Securities. This can be effected by the shareholders submitting an application form for withdrawal in accordance with the procedures prescribed by Bursa Depository. These shareholders can contact any Participating Organisation of Bursa Securities and/or Bursa Securities’ General Line at 03-2034 7000 for further information on the withdrawal procedures.


Upon the de-listing of the company, the company will continue to exist but as an unlisted entity. The company is still able to continue its operations and business and proceed with its corporate restructuring and its shareholders can still be rewarded by the company’s performance.  However, the shareholders will be holding shares which are no longer quoted and traded on Bursa Securities.

Announcement Info

Stock Name STONE
Date Announced 16 May 2019
Category Listing Circular
Reference Number ILC-16052019-00004