

BAHVEST-WA - Notice of Book Closure


Adjustments to the exercise price and number of outstanding Warrants 2017/2024 of Borneo Aqua Harvest Berhad ("BAHVEST") (Warrants) constituted by a deed poll dated 2 August 2017 ("Deed Poll") which governs the terms and conditions of the Warrants pursuant to the bonus issue of up to 938,995,138 new ordinary shares in BAHVEST ("Bonus Share(s)"), on the basis of 1 Bonus Share for every 1 existing ordinary share held in BAHVEST at 5.00 p.m. on 10 December 2018 ("Entitlement Date") (Bonus Issue) ("Adjustment").

Kindly be advised of the following : 

1)  The above Company's securities will be traded and quoted "Ex - Adjustment” as from: 6 Dec 2018
2)  The last date of lodgment : 10 Dec 2018

Remarks 1: "Bursa Malaysia Securities Bhd would like to clarify that on the basis of settlement taking place after 10 December 2018 with adjustment to the number of outstanding BAHVEST-WA  shares, any shareholder who is entitled to receive BAHVEST-WA additional shares may now sell any or all of his BAHVEST-WA shares arising from adjustment pursuant to the bonus issue beginning the Ex-Date (6 December 2018).

For example, if Mr X purchases 100 BAHVEST-WA  shares on cum basis on 5 December 2018, Mr X should receive 100 shares on  10 December 2018. Pursuant to a bonus issue, a total of 200 BAHVEST-WA  shares will be credited into Mr X's CDS account on the night of  10 December 2018 being the Book Closing Date. Therefore, Mr X can sell the BAHVEST-WA  shares of 200 on or after the Ex-Date i.e. from 6 December 2018 onwards."

Remarks 2: Holders of the Warrants ("Warrant Holders") who wish to be entitled to the Bonus Issue should exercise their Warrants by lodging their duly completed exercise forms together with the relevant subscription monies with BAHVESTs share registrar on or before 5.00 p.m. on 26 November 2018 such that their names will appear on the Record of Depositors at 5.00 p.m. on the Entitlement Date. Up to 299,997,878 additional Warrants will be issued and allotted pursuant to the Adjustment. The exact number of additional Warrants to be issued and allotted will depend on the number of outstanding Warrants as at the Entitlement Date. The additional Warrants will be listed and quoted on the ACE Market of Bursa Securities simultaneously with the Bonus Shares on 11 December 2018, being the next market day immediately after the Entitlement Date. BAHVEST's share registrar will issue and despatch the notice to Warrant Holders setting out the details of the Adjustment and notice of allotment for the additional Warrants in due course.


Announcement Info

Date Announced 26 Nov 2018
Category Listing Circular
Reference Number ILC-26112018-00004