Amir Mokhtar Mior Yahya

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Joined Mar 2018


Ada apa2 citer baru.. Any good news.. Pls share..
3 weeks · translate
the last BI was in year2008.. 1:4... b4 that in year 2001.. 1:2... I got both year.. Also RI
1 month · translate
After ex.. it will down a bit but that normal for a few weeks..
1 month · translate
hope so.. It will go beyond that..
1 month · translate
Keep good stock for long term investment if u hv surplus RM in saving
1 month · translate
Already more than 25 yrs in my strong room.. Still can smile always
1 month · translate
After u get back yr investment price u paid
1 month · translate
Keep it until it becomes yr RM1 book value.. Just collect the dividends for nxt 10yrs, U will get back the price u paid for the stock..
1 month · translate
the last bonus issue was 2008.. After all this stock l keep just RM1 book value.... Dividend earned everage RM12K a year.. fair.. Will let go when price go up to above RM15..
1 month · translate
I trust this stock.. no matter what happen l will remain keep this to collect twice a year dividend.. Price up n down normal.. Waiting when is the nxt bonus after the last one..
1 month · translate
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