Swee Yean Yeoh

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Joined Dec 2014


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2 months · translate
哈哈, 哈哈哈。。 什么消息???
3 months · translate
planting a million trees is right metric, but the agency need to have right KPI to measure the success. example 99.99 percent success living rate.
3 years · translate
progressive improve on revenue but poor on net profit improvement. what happened to the operation and management team???
4 years · translate
I'm maxis users, move to XOX save me so much on the bill.
5 years · translate
there are hope. the coverage and phone package are good n competitive. all my family members use XOX.
5 years · translate
nonsense move by European countries which are unfair to country produce oil palm.
5 years · translate
does anyone knew what news drive the momentum?
5 years · translate
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