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The company is proposing to pay RM35 million cash for the acquisition, while the other RM35 million will be satisfied via a total of 60.34 million new shares, representing 5.71% of its enlarged share capital post-exercise. 这里base on % 其实enlarge 不是很多。然后下一句才是有勇有谋。
Concurrently, DC Healthcare has proposed a one-for-four bonus issue of warrants with a five-year tenure and exercise price to be determined later. The shares consideration for I Bella’s acquisition is not entitled to the free warrants, DC Healthcare said. (这个举动看得出老板有谋咧,让existing founding member or existing management, and investors have a defending tool minimise dilution. 老板有照顾自己人啊! 其实很多人没有这样分析。他们都只是觉得create new share 不好,dilution. 老板要不是走步棋,他要怎么做收购? 自己的1st batch share moratorium 6个月,2nd batch share moratorium 6 个月。这样看来老板上市后其实没有闲着,他在策划布局中。如果自己一间clinic 一间开。地点是问题,人手是问题,licensing 申请·也要等。你看看optimax 和cengild 就知道了。Licensing 花的时间多长。