Bryan A

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Joined Sep 2018


ringgit is in bad shape now. i believe what astro need is better homemade content and government be serious and strong stance on piracy. Olympic wont change anything.
1 month · translate
if so, i'd suggest 散戶to dump it all as well
1 month · translate
散戶根本沒有這能力量繼續丟,只有大基金。 只有恐慌拋售散戶才能發揮最大作用
1 month · translate
lets go babyyy
2 months · translate
Get project, but share price not moving at all.
Maybe there will be price action after PP and acquisition complete. Most likely will. Hahaha
2 months · translate
EPF will rebalance its portfolio time to time. As long as EPF is still substantial holder. Then it should be fine.
Besides, it really depends on whether you believe in CTOS’s credit risk assessment business.
2 months · translate
RM1 應該不會吧,這差不多40%,畢竟也從高點跌了蠻多。
除非帳有問題 才會掉那麼多。 玩短期的還是小心為妙。
大家新年快樂 發發發
2 months · translate
drop from msci, want to buy also waitout first. some funds might sell the shares. its just my opinion if you havent buy in. but if you think is cheap at this price point. go ahead.
2 months · translate
Lepas tu dah lingkup dah hahaha
2 months · translate
if you buy share looking at NTA. it shows how smart you are. genius
2 months · translate
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