Vincent Lai

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Joined Aug 2020


你不是地球王子 很难
11 months · translate
入教你也不是. bumiputera
1 year · translate
很羡慕bumiputera, 他们有50%公众股保留给他们,还有得申请miti 9% 的 allocation, 一上市就卖 已经赚了 200%.
1 year · translate
I look at the profile of the management , the CFO is only 28 years old, she change job every year , with only few years working experience. the COO is 25 years old newbie. so do you have confidence to invest in them.
1 year · translate
I think a lot ppl lost confidence in this stock already... keep dropping
1 year · translate
you are Chinese, your chance to get it is extremely low. your are not qualify to apply under miti. ..
1 year · translate
恭喜这两天在 57cents 买进的人。。
1 year · translate
ya, I know. but the Malay guy above is suggesting that they should get cheaper price. despite the IPO shares already reserve 90% for them
1 year · translate
you mean Malay buy at 32 cents, other buy ipo at 58 cents. then Malay can sell during ipo day, we buy the ticket from you?
1 year · translate
1 year · translate
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