ember lee

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Joined Aug 2020


全部都晒车防,名表,你知道又有多少这样的直销公司撑不过3年吗?表面上好看而已。这类型公司倒了一家,马上又起新的一家。 像amway 這種长青树,40多年了,它还在这个市场上
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Fly to the moon
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所以才会有人甘願當韭菜。。ctos 21年的历史,如果只因为ccris 暂停就要bye bye, 有理由站在市场那么久吗?一点风吹草动就受不了,那没有公司可以给你投资了
2 years · translate
Cw, serbak的问题跟ctos 的问题哪里能相比?一個是牽扯到帳目,一个是暂时性暫停服務
2 years · translate
今天的新闻应该是ctos资料外泄,BNM 先封锁ccris. 相信过不久就会解决。ctos是老招牌了,要出事也不會現在才出事
2 years · translate
Dear valued customers,
Please be informed that our data source (CCRIS) is temporarily unavailable. As such, our reports and services containing CCRIS information will be affected, but all other services remain available.

This suspension of CCRIS is to all Credit Reporting Agencies, and is a precautionary and a temporary measure taken by BNM.

At this juncture, we are unable to confirm when the CCRIS service will be re-instated. However, we are working closely with BNM to resume the service as soonest possible.
2 years · translate
有新聞link 吗?看看下。。。
2 years · translate
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