Barry Allen's comment on HIBISCS. All Comments

Barry Allen
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At the oil price of 100 USD / barrel, shouldn't HIBISCUS be valued over RM 1 and not RM 0.80 ?
Bryan Ang
Chee, 我等到花儿也谢了
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Chee shung Khoo
bryan,除了张学友的歌,可以听听蔡琴、苏芮、潘越云的明天会更好。听多了就到了 ;)
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Bryan Ang
Chee, 我怕我听多了 我的高血压先到
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Chee shung Khoo
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Chee shung Khoo
《明天會更好》在1985年推出,由余天、李建復、洪榮宏、王夢麟、費玉清、齊秦、蔡琴、蘇芮、潘越雲、甄妮、林慧萍、王芷蕾、黃鶯鶯、陳淑樺、金智娟、李佩菁、齊豫、鄭怡、江蕙、楊林等60位華語歌手共同錄唱共同演唱。於台北縣三重市(今 新北市三重區)的白金錄音室錄製,錄音師為葉垂青。專輯於1985年年底出版,收錄群星合唱版、松江兒童合唱團演唱版、卡拉OK伴唱版、伴奏版四種版本,由藍與白唱片發行。該曲在香港樂壇引起廣泛回響,粵語版為1985年TVB十大勁歌金曲頒獎典禮現場羣星演唱歌曲,由林振強填詞,张国荣、梅艳芳、谭咏麟、张学友等香港群星合唱。
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Chee shung Khoo
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Sam Desu
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Erik Ooi
Oil Price above US$100 is highest Peak, and forward just like Gloves, the price will fall very sharply. Big funds will take opportunity to make killings in Short Selling luke rhe Gloves, due to Future drop in Selling Prices, just like Tech stocks with PE above 40++, bubble.
Beware to Sell or Avoid.
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Barry, stock price determined by human, not algorithm.
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2020 crude drop until -38, did hibiscus go to 0.01?
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Mie Zar
ok let see whether it can revisit RM 0.33
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The RocK
oil price downtrend without sign of breakout yet, wait price around76 usd to 85usd, baru buy
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Erik Ooi
Looking at the daily Bid prices, likely the major shareholders of Hibiscus is using Short Selling to Cashout and buy back when Oil prices retraces back in the next few months or year. Only Retailees will be caught with losses. Avoid Hibiscus, go to Techs for this week.
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Erik Ooi
Net Short Sellers position on 21-7-22 is 9.6 mil, with Oil Price peak at USD100+ 20 years all time high. Just like Gloves bull trap, stay out to grossly oversold Tech counters with DY 7%+ and price drop by 50%+
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Chee shung Khoo
"ron 95" here is ~1,8euro/liter....comparable to last year month x. last year month x的时候红花是"0.有机会回去"
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Barry Allen
0.88 is back haha
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Erik Ooi
Today 25/7/22 chance to Unload 70% of my Hibiscus
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Chee shung Khoo
0.發發 double huat!!!!!!!! ;)
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Bryan Ang
Chee, where got huat no huat ah
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Chee shung Khoo
我的均价低于發發,所以有huat nasi lemak ayam rendang lor ;)
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Bryan Ang
waaa good lo u I kacang putih pun tak ada
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Barry Allen
發發 哈哈哈 nice wan !
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Chee shung Khoo
今天又有免费cendol了!!!huat arh
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Chee shung Khoo
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Bryan Ang
Chee, 我要吃威灵顿牛排有吗。。。
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Erik Ooi
Cleared all Hibiscus, wait for Oil corrections, as unlikely to break new historic highs.
Risk: Once ceasefire announced, Oil likely see sharp drop.
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Chee shung Khoo
等呗, Bryan.....
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Sam Desu
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Chee shung Khoo
"ron 95" here is ~1,8euro/liter....comparable to last year month x. last year month x的时候红花是"0.有机会回去"
->不好意思,同事纠正现在看到的价格已经是补贴3毛欧的价格,通过税减。。。所以实际油价是居高不下的,=2,1-2,2欧每升。。。希望是个美丽的误会 ;)
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Chee shung Khoo
dont try to time the market, we never will succeed. 为啥不能某个领域颠簸中逐渐往上扬呢?bloomberg news是个不错的成长平台。。。我觉得值!
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Chee shung Khoo
wti back to feb range b4 russia invasion....当时的小黄花是barry的verdict嘞!!;)
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Erik Ooi
Tech, Mining and Plantations to watchout. With Oil all time historic high, the next future is only down to normality by 2022. Winter in Europe may see short rebound.
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Chee shung Khoo
明天有扬州炒饭次,加免费老火汤 ;)
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Chee shung Khoo
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Chee shung Khoo
老板娘说明天免费鱼翅"long"口 ;p
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Bryan Ang
Chee 我现在连吃白roti 都是问题 T_T
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Chee shung Khoo
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Chee shung Khoo
老板娘确认了请银耳炖雪梨 ;)
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Barry Allen
kyy sell, we buy kekeke
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Nhlau Lau
any info when release qr
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Otaku Daily Routine
@nhlau Lau will be end of September.
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Barry Allen
Next week or 2
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Nhlau Lau
Dayang just release qr... this one should be good also
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Barry Allen
Don't depend on qr, can vary punya...
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Sam Desu
whether it can b controlled is not important, cuz ady seen enough good qr but fall like mf. market sentiment always leads the price
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Barry Allen
Just keep ler, above 1
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Chee shung Khoo
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Barry Allen
Huat argh... winter coming?
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Chee shung Khoo
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Barry Allen
Now making sense for above RM 1 !
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shinn law
If you re sharks la…you think you will push the price or not?let all the ppl who stay condo one sell meh?
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Chee shung Khoo
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Chee shung Khoo
bryan,老板娘的免费鲍鱼我吃了 ;) 此次班车暂时结束
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Chee shung Khoo
barry, rm1我跟你的标题收网了。。。经常收网后它秀我它是庄。。。;(
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Barry Allen
Huat argh ! hahaha
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Barry Allen
Bye bye shinn law hahaha
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shinn law
Lol bye bye what?I never buy~my sfp earn 50%,dnex earn 30% ,Agmo earn 20%
Hello? 25% apa tu
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shinn law
I won’t so SH go chase high let you guys buy low one earn one
Those ppl SH only
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Barry Allen
Huh? I also earn jor afp agmo dnex... and you miss lgms too? hibiscus fly, no join? haha
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Kevin Tam
Agmo is what type of counter ? Talking also need to challenge each other , why so aggressive? Still can earn some money at this type of market , not bad ..
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shinn law
He no earn so much one trust me…in his dream only
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Selling down. See you tomorrow
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Barry Allen
Ya lor, so 扫兴 only shinn law, ignore the troll
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Barry Allen
Troll ni, report je haha
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shinn law
Oops like a girl want to cry and tell your mother?
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Barry Allen
Reported thanks
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Barry Allen
Reported again hehe
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shinn law
So what miss Barry? You only can report cause no balls and guts~
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shinn law
Like a kid only can cry and tell her mother
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Barry Allen
You're stress bro, haha
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shinn law
Really?why should I ?miss Barry
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Barry Allen
Block bye bye
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shinn law
Opps miss Barry block me hahahaha~ such a girl no balls only can talk a lot and complain~
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Barry Allen
Whatever, no point to lower myself to your level
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shinn law
You think you re higher level?wow~impressive~only can talk like a girl tag ppl name to insult very high level? Come talk to me in front of me la?No balls then admit no balls find excuse saying level?so you mean I m human you re animal so diff level isn’t?
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Barry Allen
You think you come out very big nia? small fly only lar you
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Barry Allen
RM 1 as usual hehe
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Barry Allen
Need above 1.06 steady for better technical
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Barry Allen
Can push 1.2 ? waka
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Barry Allen
Yer 1.10 aso takde
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Chee shung Khoo
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Barry Allen
Going back to make the original statement relevant?
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tan vincent
this counter have big kaki as observed 1-2 months ago .
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Mei kuan Chee
@tan 不懂这股会有机会去回上次的1.4吗?
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tan vincent
1.4 就不太知道会不会了 , 1.2-1.3 机会有。 在1.4 价位的 , 等多 3 个月 看看 下个业绩 , 或如果有机会 回到 0.90 左右或以下 建议average 一下 。
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Mei kuan Chee
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Barry Allen
有时只怕大市不好,那 1.10 都不知可破吗。。。
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tan vincent
所以第一价位不好买很大 。 上一回 RM1 左右的时候 , 我看庄家想冲 可是冲不上 哈哈。
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Meaw Meaw Cat
我來了,明大破RM1.00....OK ?
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tan vincent
我不知道, 可是小钱尝试是可以的 , 下个业绩应该也会很好 , 如果 油价继续涨 90元以上 就肯定 有看头 。
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明天。。。。有点但心,但我也支持Hibiscs....Good luck......
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tan vincent
ADRIAN YAN 只有它一个涨其他没什么涨 我就有所保留 , 不清楚了 , 除非其他也涨 , 把原油的气势 打起来 , 其实应该原油涨地 怎么突然变成手套涨了 哈哈哈
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tan vincent
哈哈 被你想到
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Barry Allen
Break RM 1 jor
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tan vincent
very heavy , i take profit yesterday ardy , see have chance buy back around 0.9 not
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Meaw Meaw Cat
Brent near week is Hibiscus show time ..meaw meaw
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tan vincent
i buy some and see
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Meaw Meaw Cat
@vincent ..I tot u already in
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tan vincent
i take profit 0.99 already , will buy some again and see how
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