Jsheng Zhang

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Joined Aug 2018


还没收够票! 大机构才进来。 耐心点吧。
1 month · translate
I think can go to 1.5, got a gap over there
8 months · translate
没有1块别放了。 抱着睡觉
8 months · translate
Malaysia stock all boleh. Lose money can increase so much. No need see fundamental. Just buy!
8 months · translate
Private placement , right issue 全部都是来拿股民的钱。 还不快跑
8 months · translate
Hahaha…….. ask him delisted
8 months · translate
0.9 不错的幅度哈哈哈
8 months · translate
Yeah 1.5 ! Gogogog
8 months · translate
Private placement stock again ==
8 months · translate
All is banker inside. Blow constructions and property . Wind go where, we buy where
8 months · translate
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